Helping entrepreneurs and creatives transform their businesses and attract their dream clients. 

YOU love


Build a

count me in!

  • 1 day compacted adventure elopement styled shoot
  • Expand your portfolio
  • Receive expert coaching on different photo styles including must have photo shots
  • Network building
  • Photo curating direction
  • Get that BANG for your buck
  • 3 part coaching program - 1:1
  • Deep dive into YOUR goals
  • Strategies to enhance your business
  • Join us for a real wedding!
  • Curate perfect portfolio images 
  • Create a pricing structure 
  • Custom inquiry script
  • Personalized workflow map
  • Take your business to the TOP!
  • Four week group coaching & accountability 
  • Build sustainable business habits to get your life back 
  • Increase your business metrics
  • Ask an expert for advice 
  • Collaborate with others
  • Build life-long friendships
  • Elevate your business and your SOUL! 

best sellers

So here's the deal

Coaching Programs with Kelsey

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Unlock your true potential by discovering who you want to be and setting meaningful goals.

Summit Vision System

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Stop winging your marketing strategy! I create an entire map of your social media, SEO, and email campaigns!

Marketing Strategy Map

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After only one day, you can send this guide and know that your photographer has all they need to be another YOU. 

Associate Training



the self-paced, on-demand courses

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The mystery of the Google search engine for many business owners is actually the most powerful source of your BEST inquiries. You just need to hop on that SEO train so that they can find you.

Spice Up Your SEO

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How to connect with clients so they understand who you are, what you offer, and they want to be part of your community. 

Branding Boost

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Turn your pricing from a transaction to a transformational experience between you and your clients.
How to be confident, transparent, and stand on your worth.

Pricing Pool Party

Defeating Burnout: Achieve a Work-Life Balance as an Artist


latest episodes

the podcast with biz advice from a bestie

Carving Your Niche: Stand Out in a Saturated Market

Stop the Inquiry Freakout: How to Prepare For Booking Season and Stop Freaking the F*ck Out

My first camera was a hand-me-down from my Grandpa when I was 16. Before I stepped into my creative genius, my journey took me to get some fancy papers first.
  • BS in Sociology from the University of Montana
  • BS in Psychology from the University of Montana
  • BA in Commercial Photography from the Art Institute of Seattle
Then I was a Lead at Zulily, the online retail store.
Overseeing 14 wildly talented people was incredible.
BUT I always wanted to run my own business!
"You will never be successful as a wedding photographer in Montana." That's what my boss at Zulily told me when I shared my invigorating, courageous, next step. 

It all started with a hand-me-down camera and a dream. 

I need help today!

I left thinking fuck you. Fuck right off.
It gave me a fire and passion for to start my own business.
Let me tell you, the struggle was REAL
  • I struggled with booking high ticket weddings.
  • I struggled with getting clients in the first place.
  • It was difficult to rebrand in a different location.
  • It was a struggle that it was my only job.
  • It was really scary not knowing where the money would come from.
I took that wind, spread my wings, and SOARED

if i can build a thriving business out of nothing, so can you!

I'm in! Sign me up!

Kelsey is the Systems Queen with the solutions!
  • Create a workflow map for an automated client experience with your voice and brand.
  • Build a power schedule with a Rise Ritual, Creative Blocks, Active Rest Outside of the Office, Admin Work and a Girl BYE Ritual
  • Commit to a weekly CEO check in. Track metrics, CELEBRATE WINS!, resolve issues, review intentions.

But you just aren't seeing traction?

You're doing #allthethings

This is the journey to becoming the truest, most beautiful version of yourself and the most badass CEO.

Launch new business offering and bring in more revenue. 

Heal imposter syndrome 

Make you a black belt in boundaries  

no more spinning your wheels!



Kelsey helped me problem solve the issues I knew of and problem avoid by guiding me through how to set up my business from the start. Through this process, Kelsey became more than a coach, she became a friend.

I highly recommend Kelsey for anyone starting their own business or taking it to the next level. She’s a real life business wizard. 

- alyssa burns


“she gave me the confidence to quit my job”

This course and her guidance changed the game for me & my business! I was in a place where my business had hit a plateau for two years. The course helped me realize I was the bottle neck in my business. She breaks down healthy habits, strategies for success and provides a clear road map for implementation.

- cat deline


“I've already achieved a HUGE goal ”

what people are saying / 

Join Adventure With Us
The 6 week coaching program is all about YOU! We will walk through how your personal and business health are intertwined and how to excel in all fronts. With lots of celebrations!

hand holding and METRIC crushing 

If you want to

Join Adventure Workshop!
The 1 day intensive to capture an adventure elopement styled shoot, learn expert photo tips, build your portfolio and network, and receive photo curating feedback.


If you want to

The 4 week group training where we go over systems, strategies, and habits to climb your business to the top - all while forming life long friendships!

get your life back on track

If you want to

Join Adventure with Us!
The 3 part coaching program where we deep dive into YOUR goals, have you join on a real wedding, and strategize your next steps.

Improve your elopement profile

If you want to

find (and book)

In just three weeks

For my clients, this looks like
  • Knowing emails and texts are not the boss of them.
  • Watching their bank account consistently grow.
  • Prioritizing their own wellness with business wellness.
  • Having the confidence to JUMP out of their comfort zone.
  • Getting out of living day to day and centering the big picture.

what if, three months from now, your life could look entirely different?

Are you ready for things to finally change?

I'm in! Sign me up!

- stephanie ford

she was the push I needed to take my business startup to revenue machine.

REVIEW NO. 1 of 2

- jaxon bend

don't wait another minute. her coaching helped me 3x our revenue!

REVIEW NO. 2 of 2

Did we just see sparks fly?! make a move+Contact us!

I am here for you, I love coaching and can't wait to show you how you can make your business even bigger and badder.
First, let's be friends. You can find me
  • Watching Harry Potter Marathons
  • Indulging in the Italy style pizza my husband/best friend Jake makes
  • Talking to my coworkers that have four legs
  • Reading things I find on BookTok
  • Hiking all over Montana and THE WORLD!
  • Encouraging everyone I know to pop champagne on a Tuesday, because we all deserve it

your Coach + ultimate
hype queen

Meet Kelsey

Okay, now we're talkin'

I'm In! SIgn me up!

Strategies on how to work ON the business, not in it! How to build an associate team and get your life back.

Expertise on how to book $10,000+ packages through website analysis, automation, and curating photos.

Systems that will stay in tact long after I'm gone. My goal for every client is to have the tools to not need me anymore!

Accountability. I am here to help you stay on target and show you how you become the person you want to be.


Access to ME! On a schedule of course because emails and texts are not our boss! Ask questions, get advice, feel supported every click of the way.

Coaching Includes

Coaching is for you if... 

on the fence?

Bonus #1: Associate Training Guide
Bonus #2: Summit Vision System

Oh, and let's not forget the bonuses...

  • You are turning down business opportunities.
  • You have great ideas but have trouble following through with them.
  • You are busy every day, but at the end of the week you can't remember what you did.
  • You are ready to diversify your revenue streams.
  • You want to work less but make more.

I'm In! SIgn me up!


I get it, no pressure here.

In the meantime - I have a little treat for you!

Sign-up now for our
Spice up your SEO Guide

This will give you a taste of what comes in my coaching programs. It will also add you to our newsletter list so you can stay involved!

Happy optimizing!

not READY?

I'm in! Sign me up!


Join Coaching with Kelsey! With 4 unique programs, find the one that aligns with your needs. Can't wait to discuss your kick ass business soon!

are you Ready?