Build Habits that STICK

How to build habits that stick with Honeybee BOSS UP! coaching

Let’s talk about how to build habits that STICK!!! Wow, I know, a lot of exclamation points. You may be thinking, “Damn, it’s 7AM.” But I’m thinking Florida!!! This is serious because good habits will fucking, MAKE your business. That’s the difference. Tiny, little moves, you make every day. These habits turn into a power schedule, think Hermoine Granger. You always knew she was going to be badass, and she could have had a temper tantrum and quit on the wizarding world, but no, she made choices every day that moved her forward. We are here to BUILD habits. You don’t just get them. It’s like a muscle, you have to work it every day.

Now if you are looking to learn what good habits are to implement, we rounded up 30 Habits to create a successful photography business. After you have determined what your habits are, then we will make them STICK!!!

Falling off tack isn’t a death sentence

Here’s the reality. You may slip. Momma always said if you fall off your bike, get back on. Same with habits. Don’t let one or two or a few days derail the WHOLE PLAN! That’s crazy. Don’t self sabotage. Forward momentum does not always look like 100%, sometimes it’s 50. Sometimes it’s 75. Sometimes it is 25 in the morning and 45 in the evening. Don’t get stuck and stay there.

How to get back on track and build habits that STICK

We’re going to assume since you’re reading this that you’re an absolute legend and have all the systems in place. WHEN you fall off the bandwagon of good habits and power schedules, what separates the lions and lambs is how you get back on track.

Acknowledge and adapt

How to create a habit that sticks? Recognize that setbacks are a normal part of the process. No self-blaming here! Acknowledge what happened without judgment and then determine why the setback happened. Is it just that you’re having an off day? Is this a habit that is consistently more off than on? IE you make a goal to journal every single morning when you first wake up. But then your alarm goes off and you hit snooze. Or your dog needs to be fed first and then you forget to journal after. If you find that the habit is not working, change how you do it. Don’t change what the habit is! Try to journal in the evenings and see if that garners better results. Keep trying until you find a way to make it STICK!

Build habits that STICK by pairing an old habit with a new one!

You can pair a new habit with a habit you already have. For our journaling example, if every morning you get up and get your coffee, take the coffee to the table and journal then. If you want to start walking a mile a day and you already take your dog out to go to the bathroom, make one of those into a walk together. If you are already doing the step 1, it will increase your chances of doing step 2.

Why are you doing this? 

How do you form habits and stick to them? You make sure they align with your values and your goals. If it doesn’t, it won’t stick. One habit I really prioritize is continuous learning. Photography is an ever-evolving industry, and it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques. When I attend workshops and conferences, network with other photographers, and seek out new information and inspiration, my glass is fricken FULL!! It doesn’t feel like something I have to do, it feels like something I get to do. Because this aligns with my values and goals, I am more likely to stick with it. 

Be real

Breaking goals down into smaller, manageable steps will make them stick. If you want your goal to be to run 5 days a week, start out with running 1-2 days for a month. Then run 3, and keep building up. Soon you’ll be doing it without even thinking about it WHICH IS AMAZING, SWEETIE!!

Your tribe will be part of how you build habits that STICK

Sharing your habit goal with your tribe of friends and family will help make it stick. It builds accountability and you are more likely to stick with it when you either (A) get to share your success with them!! Or (B) think twice when you don’t actually want to do the thing, but also don’t want to tell your tribe if you don’t do it.

How to build habits that stick! Lean on your tribe.

Progress, not perfection

Raise your hand if you’re perfect! No? No hands up? Raise your hand if you’re making progress!! Ayyyeee you go Glenn Coco! Celebrate small victories and progress, even if it’s not as fast or as perfect as you’d like. Every step forward is a step in the right direction.

Be fucking nice to yourself and you will build habits that STICK

Listen, setbacks happen. We trust you will build habits and crush them!! When a slip happens, don’t beat yourself up. Recognize it, then let that shit go. Setbacks are a normal part of growth and learning. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a friend facing a similar situation. You’re a queen, treat yourself right.

Disciple > Motivation

I hate to say it but I’m not always motivated to do the things I want to do. Sometimes I just don’t want to! That is when you lean into your discipline. By being disciplined and doing things even when you don’t feel like it, that will make the difference. Sometimes it’s not even that you don’t feel like it, maybe you think you CAN’T.

I get to travel internationally for my wonderful couples!! Fantastic, best thing ever. But that gets me out of my routine. It is 100% harder to work your habits when you are out of your routine. At home, I prioritize 30 minutes of exercise every morning. While not as easy to do this while traveling, I make sure to make fitness changes. Sorry convenient conveyor belts in the airport, I’m gonna walk next to it, not on it. Arriving two hours early for my flight, I’m gonna first- make sure my gate is there and not a Platform ¾ THEN, I’ll walk around. I feel so much better when I get movement, so since there’s a will to get moving, I always find a way! And you can too!

Build habits that STICK by anticipating roadblocks

Now if you KNOW your habits are going to be hard to follow coming up, make a plan ahead of time! It is not possible to build a routine and stick to it 100% of the time. You’re traveling, someone is coming to visit, it’s a Holiday week. When you know ahead of time, you can make a plan to keep your habits going even if it looks a little different. You have people coming to town and they are bringing their lovely, LOUD children so you worry about having peace when you journal. Get up early that day to make time for it. Let your guests know you’re heading out for an hour because this time is really important for you. Set expectations ahead of time and your tribe will understand. If they don’t, just bring back a cake pop for little Sam. All will be forgotten. 

Why you will slide back 

It’s inevitable that you will slide back on your power schedules and habits, because, well, life. Every day is not going to go the same way, some of these things are personal. You’re peacing out for a vacay and Vacation Barbie doesn’t know Good Habit Barbie. Or you get sick and your priority needs to be taking care of your body. Or you have dogs that get sick and those cuddles come first. 

It also goes a bit deeper than the surface level reasoning. According to Elle Wood’s Alma Mater IE Harvard, “a stressful situation — whether something environmental, such as a looming work deadline, or psychological, such as persistent worry about losing a job — can trigger a cascade of stress hormones that produce well-orchestrated physiological changes.” This can completely derail your habits. Again, don’t let the RIGHT NOW make you feel like it’s permanent. Nothing is permanent. 

Summit Vision System 

In my coaching programs, I talk about a Summit Vision System. “Vision” and “system” are intentionally in the same sentence. With your habits, you need to start with the vision of who you want to become and then create systems to cast a vote for that person. You can also put together a vision board, a daily reminder to look at and know what you are doing has a greater purpose. The small things matter.

How to build habits that stick with Honeybee BOSS UP! coaching.


If you find yourself getting really wound up and upset. Stop. STOP! Nothing productive will happen in that mindset. Go for a walk around the block. Practice a two minute breathing exercise. Another Harvard study states “the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital people learn how to counter the stress response by using a combination of approaches that elicit the relaxation response. These include deep abdominal breathing, focus on a soothing word (such as peace or calm), visualization of tranquil scenes, repetitive prayer, yoga, and tai chi.”


You may need a longer reset than a few minutes. When your personal life overtakes your business you may go days, weeks, months without the habit?? We’re not judging. But DO NOT GIVE UP!! Go back to your Summit Vision System. Remember who you want to be, and pick up the pieces. The good news is once you’ve already started building these habits, it’ll be easier to pick them up again. Kinda like muscle memory for your mind.

What is the 21/90 rule?

The 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. Work at your habit for 90 days before you give it up, if it’s something you truly want. Good things take time!

Your turn to build habits that STICK!

Are you feeling more confident now about how to build habits that STICK? It won’t happen overnight, but by learning how to build habits that stick, you are casting a vote for the person you want to become. Each day you WILL get closer to that goal. If you are looking for how to break bad habits, I couldn’t recommend James Clear and Atomic Habits enough. It is on our reading list in my coaching program.

How to build habits that stick! Take your business to the next level.

If you are ready to take the next step in your business and work on habit forming, Our BOSS UP! group coaching is for you. This is a structured four week program and a conscious climb to building habits. It’s a kick ass business to get you on top! Elevate your business and your SOUL, queen with practical research based tools that will put your business on the path to success!

This is a practical program to help you build good business habits while also fostering relationships that are based on trust and a shared experience. I have been part of group coaching sessions and the knowledge and legit FRIENDSHIPS that have come out of it still bring the best out of me and my work today. This beautiful group of human beings (and meee!) are here to help you. To support you and hear your wins. To hear your fuckin ROARS!

Get yourself on my calendar for a coaching inquiry call to get started. In the meantime, check out my blog on Elopement Photographer Mindset: Unleash Your Inner CEO. Can’t wait to see you SHOWING UP for YOURSELF!

How to build habits that stick, progress, be nice, discipline, and the 21/90 rule.
How to build habits that stick, 16 things you need to know.
How to build habits that stick - adapt, pair, be real, and know your why.




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Paris, France: MAY 26-29
Moab, Utah: JUN 4-6
Glacier National Park: JUN 24-26
Iceland: JUL 30, SEPT 12-16
Ireland: SEPT 22-23


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