It’s a gorgeous, bright, sunny day when we meet Jessi and Thomas for their Lake Tahoe adventure session. The light is a little harsh in the late afternoon, but it’s absolutely magical when it leaks through the towering redwood trees. We decide that Secret Beach is the perfect place for an adventure. The east coast of Lake Tahoe is more secluded than the rest of the lake, but just as beautiful.
We meet at the parking lot and hike down the redwood filled trail. Their fur baby came along too. He carries a stick that’s more like a tree, attempting to take us all out at the knees. It’s fine. No one is harmed by the making of this Lake Tahoe adventure session! As we walk down the trail, the redwoods are huge! We see the water through the trees, and there are lots of large boulders dotting the trail. They are HUGE! Huge dino boulders! We explore them, sitting on top of them, all the while getting closer to he cove.
The end of the trail opens up to Secret Cove where we get close up views of the magical crystal clear, teal waters. The coolest thing about Lake Tahoe is the boulders exposed on the shores. There are these islands of large rocks that jet out into the water. Photography nerds like us will definitely go all heart eyes! We sure did!
We take more photos as the sun sets slower and pause for them to have a wine picnic on the beach. They thought they were just getting photos, but no… a hike and a date night too! They sit, then drink some wine, chat, and enjoy the scenery as their fur baby digs for his stick in the water. Next, light gets golden and gorgeous, so we take some more photos at the edge of the water. We walk, run, and dance up and down the beach, soaking up the orange glow of sunset.
For a recent Lake Tahoe hiking elopement, check this out!
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